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Writing is hard. Here are a few resources we found to make it easier.



Have you ever wondered what "irony" means? Why is repetition good? What is voice, and how can you incorporate it into your paper without your teacher throwing a hissy-fit? The Edfund WC YouTube page seeks to answer these questions using easy-to-understand tutor-made screencasts. Videos were composed by Kirsten Goeben, Melissa Kain, Emma Hughen, and Taylor MacDonald. We highly recommend that you watch them, if only to help us get to one billion views. We're gunning for you, Gangnam Style.


Click HERE.

OWL Purdue


We are to Purdue University's Writing Center as Timmy Turner was to Trixie in the Fairly Odd Parents, if Timmy also viewed Trixie as the model of attainable perfection and pined to become her equal so that they could speak on a first-name basis, get married, and flick grapes at the uneducated.

Or maybe that's just me.

Anyways, this is a link to the OWL Purdue website. They're easily the best writing center around (that we know of), and that's saying something. They offer formatting guides, grammar rules, ESL crash-courses, and really everything a writing center should include. Check 'em out.


Click HERE.

Literacy Assitance


The HW tech staff astounds us every day. Though the school website itself is still as navigateable as the minotaur's labyrinth, they've still been massing a huge collection of handy academic knick-knacks for us to use. Here are a view pseudo-audiobook programs you can run on the internet, kindly provided by the tech staff:


Click HERE.

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